Welcome to 2022 Chunhui Cup entrepreneurship competition
- Shortlisted 2829 projects in the past 15 years. Successful enterprises have been established in 76 cities in 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Nearly half of the awarded overseas students were successfully selected into national and local talent programs.
- Provides a platform and opportunity for the participants to demonstrate their business plans to the relevant local industrial experts and University scholars, plus the potential chance to start their business in Australia.
- To join the training camp, take systematic entrepreneurship counselling, one to one membership to provide feedback and guidance for their projects.
- 已连续成功举办十五届,截至2020年,大赛共遴选出2829个优秀留学人员创新创业项目,落地成功企业覆盖了全国25个省、自治区、直辖市的76个城市,涉及的留学人员近半数成功入选国家及各地方人才计划。
- 营造积极的创新创业生态与氛围,汇聚海外留学人员和项目,以鼓励和支持他们投身创业实践,实现创客梦想
- 遴选部分大赛入围项目和项目持有人,入驻训练营,进行系统的创业辅导、交流考察活动,提升落地转化的成功率
- Build up an innovative and entrepreneurial platform and encourage creative collision and exchanges between Chinese and Australian youth, especially in the post pandemic recovery era.
- Inspire innovation, enhance entrepreneurial ability, and enhance the survival and development capabilities of entrepreneurial projects.
- Well-known experts, scholars and venture capitals to bring knowledge, capital and resources to help break through the bottlenecks, create opportunities for financing and cooperation, and upgrade projects.
- Integrate local and global innovation and entrepreneurship resources, helps to connect with local incubators and venture capitals, and build a well-matched entrepreneurial support platform for different stages.
- 结合2021年当下的新形势,为海外留学人员搭建创新创业平台,并鼓励在澳留学青年的创意碰撞、交流合作。
- 举办创新创业专家论坛和宣讲会,帮助参赛者激发创新活力、提高创业能力,并增强创业项目的生存与发展能力。
- 知名专家学者及创投机构助阵,将知识、资本、资源汇聚,帮助参赛者打通创业瓶颈,创造融资及合作的机会,帮助项目升级孵化。
- 整合澳洲当地和全球创新创业资源,协助参赛项目对接当地企业,为不同阶段的创业项目搭建精准匹配的创业辅助平台。
Online Registration
Participants are required to submit a “Business Plan” to the pre-selection registration email: cxcy@edumel.org
Registration deadline: July 4, 2021 (12:00 midnight)
- 在线报名
- 建立参赛人员微信交流群
Judging Panel 评审/创业导师团队
Judging Panel Chair – Professor Qing-Long Han
Distinguished Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Quality) at Swinburne University of Technology, IEEE Fellow
韩清龙 教授
Professor Yanchun Zhang
Emeritus Professor of Applied Informatics at Victoria University, Editor-In-Chief of World Wide Web journal (Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems (Springer) , Chairman of the International Web Information Systems Engineering Society (WISE Society)
张彦春 教授
Professor Jiti Gao
Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, Donald Cochrane Chair of Business and Economics, Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at Monash University
高集体 院士
蒙纳士大学商业与经济学Donald Cochrane冠名主席及计量经济学和统计学教授、澳大利亚社会科学院院士、《计量经济学杂志》和《计量经济学理论》等国际一流期刊副主编。
Professor Hong-Jian Zhu
Head of Cancer Signalling Research Laboratory in Department of Surgery of The University of Melbourne
朱宏剑 教授
Mr Alan Ling
Partner Business Services & International Business, McLean Delmo Bentleys Victoria
Alan Ling 先生
维州McLean Delmo Bentleys会计师事务所合伙人、广州McLean Delmo商业顾问咨询有限公司总经理。Alan拥有超过25年的税务和商业咨询经验,为专注于提高绩效的私营和上市公司服务。
Ms Audrey Xiaohong Zheng
State Manager, Bank of China Melbourne Branch
郑晓红 女士
Mr Justin Yuansheng Pan
General Manager, China Southern Airlines (Melbourne Office)
潘元生 先生
Mr Truman Jie Zhang
Country Manager, Dahua Technology Australia
张杰 先生
Mr Wayne Mo
CEO, AL Capital, Non Executive Director, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Non Executive Director, McGrath Real Estate
莫畏 先生
Judging Criteria & Entry Requirements
Judging Criteria:
- This competition requires participants to propose a product or service project with market potential
- Create a complete, specific, in-depth, feasible, and operational business plan around this product or service project
- Business plans are based on specific products or services
- Carefully and clearly describe the company’s entrepreneurial opportunities
- Explain the process of creating a company and explain the resources needed
评审标准 :
- 参赛者提出一个具有市场前景的产品或服务项目
- 围绕该产品或服务项目完成一份完整详细且可行性与操作性俱佳的创业计划
- 创业计划基于具体的产品或服务
- 细致清晰地描述公司的创业机会
- 阐述创立公司的过程并说明所需的资源
Entry Requirements:
For Participant:
- Participants should be registered individually or as a team
- Studying or working in Victoria or Tasmania with a bachelor’s degree or above
- Previous‘Chunhui Cup’ contest winners are not allowed to participate.
- Participants are required to submit a Chinese Business Proposal to the pre-selection registration email: cxcy@edumel.org
For Project:
- In line with national laws and regulations and industrial policies
- The project must have intellectual property rights and no property rights disputes
- The project must have a high level of innovation and strong market competitiveness, as well as better potential economic and social benefits
- The project must be a technologically innovative project or ideas with high technology, high added value, pro-environmental protection, and good economic & social effects. Industry sectors have been divided into: Information Technology; Biomedical; Resources and Environment; Optomechatronics; Advanced Materials; New Energy and Energy-saving; Agriculture Technology; Modern Service Industry, Cultural creativity and other high-tech fields.
- 符合国家法律法规和产业政策
- 拥有知识产权且无产权纠纷
- 具有较高创新水平和较强市场竞争力以及较好的潜在经济效益和社会效益
- 具有高新技术、高附加值、有利于环境保护、具有良好的经济社会效应的科技创新项目或创意。所属行业领域可为:电子信息;生物、医药;资源与环境;光机电一体化;新材料;新能源与高效节能;科技农业;现代服务业、文化创意及其他高新技术领域