If you are experiencing difficulty, or wish to discuss or appeal a fee, or require assistance with renewing or reserving an item, please contact the Library via one of these methods below:
About The Library
The GBCA Library is designed to provide a learning environment that enables and supports teachers’ and students’ teaching, learning and research needs. A range of relevant resources in a variety of formats are provided to support the successful completion of all the Global Business College Australia.
The general collection contains all the required textbooks, along with additional references that are recommended for each course taught at GBCA. An Academic and Career support collection is included to empower students to succeed both at GBCA and afterwards in their respective careers. Support materials for the international students’ study of the English language are also provided. Course relevant magazines and daily newspapers are provided to ensure that students’ and teachers’ knowledge is current regarding their field of study and international events.
The Library collection includes items in the Course Reserve section with a Short Loan of 3 hours, which must be used only in the library, to ensure that the core texts are always available. There are also items within the collection with a Short Loan of 3 and 7 days, so that key texts are available to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to use the texts.
The main collection, including fiction and non-fiction, is available for a three-week loan with three renewals.
Contact The Library
Phone: +61 3 9326 9677
Email: Library@gbca.edu.au
Online: https://gbca.edu.au/
In person:Level 1, 338 Queens Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Communications: All communications from the Library to you will be via the email address you have provided to the Library or student services. If you are not receiving emails, when you think that you should, please check that we have your current and most used email address.
Library FAQs
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions answers below. If you have a question you would like answered, please email Library@gbca.edu.au
Opening Hours
The GBCA Library is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If you need a library outside these hours, please use the State Library Victoria on the corner of Swanston and La Trobe Street. They are open 10am – 9pm Monday to Thursday and 10am – 6pm Friday – Sunday. Also, the Melbourne City Library at 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne is open 8am – 8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am – 6pm on Friday and 10am – 5pm Saturday and 12 – 5pm Sunday.
Any variation to these open hours will be announced on GBCA Library webpage
Library Resources and Research
Copyright Guide
Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects a person’s creative skills and labour. In Australia, copyright law is governed by the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act), and the Act is amended from time to time to keep the law up to date. Material protected by copyright includes but is not limited to:
- Literary works such as books, journal articles, novels, reports;
- Computer programs;
- Compilations such as databases;
- Sound recordings such as recordings of music or words;
- Cinematograph films such as feature films, television programs and commercials and
- Artistic works such as photographs, maps, plans and paintings.
All students conducting their own research can rely on provisions in the Australian Copyright Act 1968 called “Fair Dealing for the purposes of research or study” meaning that you can copy the following:
- one article from a periodical publication (e.g.: journal) or more than one article from the same issue if they relate to the “same research or course of study”;
- one chapter (or 10% of the pages) of a literary, dramatic or musical work (e.g.: book, play or sheet music);
- 10% of the number of other types of works and subject matter, such as audio-visual material, for study purposes (e.g.: clips from films).
- Fair dealing for research or study allows you to make use of a copyright work for your assessment. It will not cover you if you intend to publish or communicate the work to the public (e.g.: put it on a website).
For more information, visit the Australian Copyright Council website at: http://www.copyright.org.au/
Databases, Journal Articles, eBooks and Other Online Resources
Online resources are available for all GBCA staff and students. For information on how to access these resources please see the Databases, Journal Articles, eBooks and Other Online Resources link below.
Newspapers, Journals and Magazines
The GBCA Library provides a range of course relevant newspapers and magazines within the library.
For free access to electronic journals, magazines and newspapers, please see the Databases, Journal Articles, eBooks and Other Online Resources link below.
New Books
Other Libraries
If the GBCA Library is not open when you need a library, please see the Other Libraries information below for both physical and electronic library services.
Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism
GBCA is committed to assisting staff and students to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it by referencing correctly. To access information, please select the relevant link below.
Study Skills Consultations
One on one consultations are available to be booked with the Librarian for 20 minutes. Please ensure that you bring your unit outline with you and have done the best you can to solve these queries yourself prior to requesting assistance. Assistance can be given with:
- Understanding assessment task requirements
- Assignment writing and structure
- Feedback on assignment drafts (not proofreading)
- Researching and finding journal articles and other information resources
- Referencing and avoiding plagiarism
- Time management, study planning and exam preparation
If you are a teacher and wish to refer a student to participate in a one on one consultation, please email the Library first on Library@gbca.edu.au to ensure that assistance can actually be provided for this particular situation.
Library Services and Facilities
Ask A Librarian/Ask Advisor
Assistance is available for all GBCA staff and students. Please see the Ask a Librarian / Ask Advisor information below.
Book Reviews
Please help other students and teachers by sharing your experience of how a book helped you. Please fill in a Book Review Form below and submit.
Download the PDF from the web page.
Select Tools and then Comment.
Select the large T and insert your cursor in the field you wish to write in.
When the form is complete, please save it and email it as an attachment to Library@gbca.edu.au
Book reviews will be added to the Library Webpage within five working days.
Borrowing, Lending, Loaning and Notifications
All GBCA staff and students are welcome to borrow items from the GBCA Library. Please see the Borrowing information below.
Catalogue Searching Help
For all GBCA staff and students, the Library Catalogue is available on the GBCA website. For assistance in using the Catalogue please see the How to Use the GBCA Library Catalogue information below.
Computers, IT Support, Printers, Scanners and Photocopier
There are computers in the Library for your use. The Library provides basic IT support. For further information and support ask the Library staff or the IT support staff at the Queen St Campus Level 3 IT Service Desk or La Trobe St Level 1 IT staff.
The Library provides colour and black and white photocopying, printing and scanning services.
Printing / Photocopying Costs
Colour one side | Black & white one side | Two-sided colour | Two-sided black & white | |
A4 | 25 cents | 10 cents | 19 cents a side | 9 cents a side |
A3 | 25 cents | 10 cents | 19 cents a side | 9 cents a side |
Other | 25 cents | 10 cents | 19 cents a side | 9 cents a side |
Adding Print Credit
As a new GBCA student you received $2 credit in your PaperCut printing/photocopying account. When you need more credit to print or photocopy, or to pay any Library fees, please ask the Library staff.
You can deposit the required amount to your PaperCut account in the Library by cash, or credit card via the Online Payment option on the GBCA website https://gbca.edu.au/students/. Use your student number and ‘Library Services” eg. u3128767 Library Services in the Customer Reference Number field. You will need to provide a copy of the receipt to show your online payment, or do the payment with the Library staff. You will be issued with a PaperCut receipt which includes your current balance. To see your printing history and payments, please ask the Library staff member.
Fines, Fees and Replacing Items
To ensure the equity of access to Library resources, fees are imposed to encourage borrowers to return items on time. Please renew or return your item on time to avoid fees, or contact the Library. Please see the Fines, Fees and Replacing items information below.
Library Policy and Guidelines
To learn how to use the GBCA Library, please see the GBCA Library Guidelines information below.
Library Suggestions and Feedback
Please complete this form, save or scan it and email it toLibrary@gbca.edu.au or bring it in to the Library.
Renewing Items
Library users are able to renew their loans up to three times if there are no requests for the item. To learn how to renew your items, please see the Renewals information below.
Reserving Items
All GBCA staff and students are welcome to reserve items from the GBCA Library. Please see the Reserving Items information below.
Returning Items
Please return your items on or before the due date to the Library. If, for any reason, the Library is not open, please return the items to reception and send an email to Library@gbca.edu.au to let the Library know that you have returned them. If you are unable to do so, please renew your items or contact the Library.
Study Skills
It is the intention of the Library to empower students to be successful. The Library staff do not do the work for the students in any way.
A range of regular classes are available in the library to assist you to have the skills you need to study successfully. The classes include:
- How to study and manage time successfully
- How to use Microsoft Excel at a basic level
- How to communicate and work together in a team
- How to search the Internet and evaluate the information
- How to search databases and find journal articles
- How to write a report
- How to give a presentation and use Microsoft PowerPoint at a basic level
- How to reference to avoid plagiarism
- Exam preparation
The timetable for this semester’s classes is here. If you are unable to attend any of the scheduled classes, or would like a specific class, or a class to be given to all of your students in your classroom, please contact the Library on Library@gbca.edu.au
Student Learning Resources
To enable you to teach yourself a range of relevant study skills, here is the open-access study skills support area from the University of Canberra
Study Skills Consultations
One on one consultations are available to be booked with the Librarian for 20 minutes. Please ensure that you bring your unit outline with you and have done the best you can to solve these queries yourself prior to requesting assistance. Assistance can be given with:
- Understanding assessment task requirements
- Assignment writing and structure
- Feedback on assignment drafts (not proofreading)
- Researching and finding journal articles and other information resources
- Referencing and avoiding plagiarism
- Time management, study planning and exam preparation
If you are a teacher and wish to refer a student to participate in a one on one consultation, please email the Library first on Library@gbca.edu.au to ensure that assistance can actually be provided for this particular situation.