Facing a difficult time due to COVID-19?

Let’s come, learn and find more in yourself. GBCA is here to support you save 50% on material fee in all our VET courses! Don’t forget to check out our VET promotions as well!

*This promotion is valid for onshore market from 1/September/2020 to 30/November/2020.
Enrolment fee: $200

Diploma of Business$6,000$300$150
Advanced Diploma of Business $6,000$300$150
Diploma of Information Technology $7,000$500$250
Advanced Diploma of Information Technology $7,000$500$250
Diploma of Interpreting (Mandarin-English) $6,000$300$150
Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) $7,000$300$150
Advanced Diploma of Translating (English-Mandarin) $7,000$300$150
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care $7,500$500$250

Promotional Prices of Packages:

Diploma + Advanced diploma of Business (2 years)$11,500
Cert IV in Digital Media + Diploma of IT$13,500
Diploma + Advanced diploma of IT (2 years)$13,500
Diploma of Interpreting (Mandarin-English) + Advanced diploma of translating(English-Mandarin) (2 years)$13,000
Cert III + Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (2 years)$14,500

GBCA pathway program to University of Canberra (UC)

Diploma of Business (Pathway)$13,000

Learning English has never been so easy…
ELICOS 20% off ($150 / week) to all our ELICOS programs GBCA offers exclusive ELICOS pathways with UC, don’t miss out this fab promotion! Material fee for ELICOS is $50 per level. Each level length is 10 weeks.
*This promotion is valid until 30/11/2020.
General English (GE)$50 P/Level$180 P/Week$150
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)$50 P/Level$180 P/Week$150