English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Course outline

Course Code: EAP | CRICOS Code: 098219D

Course Description:

We are a vocational education and training provider committed to improving students’ practical application abilities and skills, by providing students with high quality international education services to better prepare them for the workforce. We offers ELICOS courses to international students to prepare them a successful academic pathway.

GBCA Values: Innovative Minds, Caring Hearts, Global Skills

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course is designed for students who want to study for a degree with a university or private higher education provider, or a non-trades classroom-based VET course. Three exit points are provided: students successfully completing English for Academic Purposes 1 should be ready for VET courses requiring IELTS 5.5 overall or equivalent for entry; those successfully completing English for Academic Purposes 2 should be ready for VET and degree courses requiring IELTS 6.0 overall or equivalent; while those successfully completing English for Academic Purposes 3 should be ready for courses requiring IELTS 6.5 overall or equivalent.

During the English for Academic Purposes course, Students will learn to work and develop their presentation skills, research skills, referencing, and writing assignments and reports.

The English for Academic Purposes course comprises three levels:
1. EAP 1
2. EAP 2
3. EAP 3

Each level has a nominal duration of 10 weeks, making a total course duration of 30 weeks.

How long does it take to study General English

English for Academic Purposes is delivered over a

Duration: of 32 weeks (including 2 weeks course breaks).
Schedule: 20 contact hours per week
Delivery mode: Face to face training 32 weeks (including 2 weeks course breaks).

Tuition and Non-Tuition fees:

Intake Dates:

Campus Location & Delivery Site:

  • 337-339 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000 VIC
  • 338 Queen street, Melbourne 3000 VIC

English for Academic Purposes Course Entry requirements

Students who do not have their IELTS or equivalent testing result will attend a placement test. Below are the indicative entry and exit points for each level within the course:111
  Approximate entry pointLevelPossible pathway / Exit point
  IELTS 5.0 or equivalentEAP 1EAP 2 / IELTS 5.5 / GBCA VET courses
  IELTS 5.5 or equivalentEAP 2EAP 3 / IELTS 6.0 / EIA Bachelor courses 
  IELTS 6.0 or equivalentEAP 3IELTS 6.5 / 

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English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA

General English

General English

General English

Course outline

Course Code: GE | CRICOS Code: 098218E

Course Description:

We are a vocational education and training provider committed to improving students’ practical application abilities and skills, by providing students with high quality international education services to better prepare them for the workforce. We offers ELICOS courses to international students to prepare them a successful academic pathway.

GBCA Values: Innovative Minds, Caring Hearts, Global Skills

General English (GE) is designed to cater for students who are interested in improving their level of general English proficiency, including for travel, employment or personal interest. It is also designed for those who intend to progress to further study in English and require a higher level of English proficiency in order to enrol in Global Business College of Australia ‘s English for Academic Purpurses course.

The General English course comprises four levels:
1. Elementary
2. Pre-Intermediate
3. Intermediate
4. Upper-Intermediate

Each level has a nominal duration of 10 weeks, making a total course duration of 40 weeks. However, students enter the course at their level of proficiency and it is possible to progress to the next level if the relevant level of proficiency is demonstrated in under 10 weeks.

How long does it take to study General English

This course is delivered over a duration of 42 weeks (including 2 weeks course breaks). Schedule: 20 contact hours per week. Delivery mode: Face to face training

Tuition and Non-Tuition fees:

Intake Dates:

Campus Location & Delivery Site:

  • 337-339 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000 VIC
  • 338 Queen street, Melbourne 3000 VIC

Entry requirements

Students will attend a placement test. Below are the indicative entry and exit points for each level within the course:

  Approximate entry pointLevelPossible pathway / Exit point
  IELTS 3.5 or equivalentElementaryPre-Intermediate
  IELTS 4.0 or equivalentPre-IntermediateIntermediate
  IELTS 4.5 or equivalentIntermediateUpper-Intermediate / EAP1
  IELTS 5 or equivalentUpper-Intermediate 

Apply Now To Study General English

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA

Certificate III in Spoken and Written English

Certificate III in Spoken and Written English - Study with GBCA

Certificate III in Spoken and Written English

Course outline (Domestic)

Course Code: 10729NAT

What can I do with The Certificate III in Spoken and Written English?

Course graduates will have developed routine English language skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing to participate in everyday life, community, employment, and further learning.

Graduates will be able to apply their English language skills and knowledge to demonstrate autonomy and judgement in a range of familiar and some unfamiliar contexts. They will be able to deal with a range of predictable routines and some non-routine situations where they need to use English. They will be able to use English to satisfy their own routine transactional, commercial, social and recreational needs, and will be able to use English functionally at work or in further training, in known and stable contexts.

This course is intended to provide participants with the following general education outcomes:

  • English language proficiency at the equivalent of International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR®) 3, +, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 5.5, or Common European Framework (CEFR)B2
  • English language proficiency to meet some performance features of Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) 3 indicators.

Entry requirements

There are no set requirements for this course. Students who wish to undertake English courses will sit the  Language, Literacy and Numeracy test and the digital skill test. GBCA will place a student into the level according to the outcome of the placement test.

The recommended entry point against the ACSF is Level 2.

How long does it take to do The Certificate III in Spoken and Written English

Training duration:

2 sessions per week over 25 weeks.


Students may take up to 5 weeks holidays during the course.

Assessment methods

A variety of assessment methods will be used throughout the course, including: Observation, Written question and written assignment.

Can I Study Certificate III in Spoken and Written English Online?
Yes You Can!

GBCA is currently offering students the option to study Diploma of Information Technology Online or on-campus during the pandemic.

Is This Course Government Funded?

This course is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding under the Skills First Program.

For more information about our government-funded courses, please visit The Skills Funding Page

Module CodeModule Name
SWELPE001Comprehend and participate in routine formal spoken exchanges
SWELPE002Comprehend and participate in routine informal spoken exchanges
SWERWT009Read and write routine transactional texts
SWERLN001Read and listen to the news
SWERWT010Read and write routine procedural texts

Course Factsheet

You May Be Eligible For Victorian Government Funding*

To do subsidised training, you have to meet eligibility criteria, if you are eligible, you pay less for your training. Domestic Students Only.

Course Accreditations

Nationally Recognised Training
Australian Qualification Framework

Apply Now To Study Certificate III in Spoken and Written English

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA

Certificate II in Spoken and Written English

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA

Certificate II in Spoken and Written English

Course outline (Domestic)

Course Code: 10728NAT

What can I do with The Certificate II in Spoken and Written English?

Course graduates will develop basic English language skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing to participate in everyday life and community, work preparation and further learning. They will develop basic learning and digital literacy skills.

Graduates will be able to apply their skills and knowledge to demonstrate autonomy and limited judgement in familiar, structured and defined everyday contexts. They will be able to deal with a limited range of predictable everyday problems where they need to use English and will be able to use English to satisfy their own everyday transactional, commercial, recreational and social needs.

This course is intended to provide participants with the following general education outcomes:

  • English language proficiency at the equivalent of International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR®) 2+, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 5.0, or Common European Framework (CEFR) B1+
  • English language proficiency to meet some performance features of Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) 2 indicators.

Entry requirements

There are no set requirements for this course. Students who wish to undertake English courses will sit the Language, Literacy and Numeracy test. GBCA will place a student into the level according to the outcome of the placement test.

Learners entering this course are identified as beginner learners of the English language. The recommended entry point against the ACSF is Level 1.

Domestic applicants will undertake the language, literacy and numeracy test and the digital skill test as part of the Pre-Training Review.

How long does it take to do The Certificate II in Spoken and Written English

Training duration:

2 sessions per week over 25 weeks.


Students may take up to 5 weeks holidays during the course.

Assessment methods

A variety of assessment methods will be used throughout the course, including: Observation, Written question and written assignment.

Can I Study Certificate II in Spoken and Written English Online?
Yes You Can!

GBCA is currently offering students the option to study Diploma of Information Technology Online or on-campus during the pandemic.

Is This Course Government Funded?

This course is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding under the Skills First Program.

For more information about our government-funded courses, please visit The Skills Funding Page

Module CodeModule Name
SWEELD001Engage in and listen to basic spoken dialogues
SWEDCT001Deliver and comprehend basic procedural spoken texts
SWERWT004Read and write basic procedural texts
SWERWT006Read and write basic opinion texts
SWERWT007Read and write basic factual texts


Course Factsheet

You May Be Eligible For Victorian Government Funding*

To do subsidised training, you have to meet eligibility criteria, if you are eligible, you pay less for your training. Domestic Students Only.

Course Accreditations

Nationally Recognised Training
Australian Qualification Framework

Apply Now To Study Certificate II in Spoken and Written English

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA

Certificate I in Spoken and Written English

Certificate I in Spoken and Written English - GBCA

Certificate I in Spoken and Written English

Course outline (Domestic)

Course Code: 10727NAT

What can I do with The Certificate I in Spoken and Written English?

Course graduates develop foundational knowledge and skills in the English language which enable them to interact with some autonomy and to take some initiative in a limited and predictable range of community, work and educational contexts. Students can also develop numeracy skills and knowledge to perform simple mathematical operations in highly familiar contexts. They can also begin to develop autonomous learning strategies to start learning English outside the classroom. The knowledge and skills developed through the course provide a firm foundation for the further development of their English language skills.

This course is intended to provide participants with the following general education outcomes:

  • learning skills to enter formal learning environments
  • English language proficiency at the equivalence of International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR®) 1+, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 4 or Common European Framework (CEFR) A2+
  • English language proficiency to meet some performance features of Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) 1 indicator.

Entry requirements

Students who wish to undertake English courses will undertake the LLN test for class placement. GBCA will place a student into the level according to the outcome of the placement test. The recommended entry point against the ACSF is Pre-Level 1.

Domestic applicants will undertake the language, literacy and numeracy test and the digital skill test as part of the Pre-Training Review.

How long does it take to do The Certificate I in Spoken and Written English

Training duration:

2 sessions per week over 25 weeks.


Students may take up to 5 weeks holidays during the course.

Assessment methods

A variety of assessment methods will be used throughout the course, including: Observation, Written question and written assignment.

Can I Study Certificate I in Spoken and Written English Online?
Yes You Can!

GBCA is currently offering students the option to study Diploma of Information Technology Online or on-campus during the pandemic.

Is This Course Government Funded?

This course is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding under the Skills First Program.

For more information about our government-funded courses, please visit The Skills Funding Page

Unit CodeUnit Name
SWEELC001Listen to and engage in short simple social conversations
SWEELT001Listen to and engage in short simple spoken transactions
SWERWT001Read and write simple social texts
SWERWT002Read and write simple transactional texts
SWELRT001Read and listen to simple information texts

Course Factsheet

You May Be Eligible For Victorian Government Funding*

To do subsidised training, you have to meet eligibility criteria, if you are eligible, you pay less for your training. Domestic Students Only.

Course Accreditations

Nationally Recognised Training
Australian Qualification Framework

Apply Now To Study Certificate I in Spoken and Written English

Diploma of Interpreting (Spanish-English) Student - Study with GBCA