Career Growth

How to start a career as a business analyst 

By admin

February 11, 2022

Before we talk about how to start a career as a business analyst, it is important to describe briefly what a business analyst does. You can then determine whether this career path is something you might be interested in doing. 

What does a business analyst do?

A business analyst is a person that receives, analyses and evaluates information and data to make predictions that help an organisation make the best decisions. Business analysts usually work in information technology but can work in a range of business departments.


“A business analyst is responsible for closing the gap between an organisation’s digital capabilities and its business objectives” 

A business analyst’s task may include but is not limited to:

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There are 3 ways to specialise and kickstart your career as a Business Analyst:

Self Learning: there are thousands of learning materials available online for free on how to specialise as a business analyst, what tools and skills you need to know about and more. The only downside with self-learning is that information can be scattered everywhere and you would be learning different kinds of information that you may or may not need, so your learning experience might be unstructured and take longer to complete. 

Bootcamps: Bootcamps courses offer a more structured form of learning from experts in the industry. You would be exposing yourself to an intense training and learning journey in a short specified period of time (usually within weeks). Bootcamps are perfect if you are looking for an advanced hands-on learning experience, which can help bring your skills and knowledge to a specific level. 

Short courses: short courses also offer a more structured form of learning from industry experts. While the information learned can be rich and informative, they offer a more lenient and flexible learning experience. This is ideal for those looking to learn at their own pace. 

Degrees: vocational education can help you gain solid knowledge and experience in the IT field. These degrees have predefined learning outcomes that make it clear to you what you will learn and how. Our Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (IT Strategy & Organisation Development) course is a nationally recognised training course in Australia that prepares you for a career as a Business Analyst. This course provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in business analysis in an information and communications technology (ICT) environment, either as an independent ICT specialist or as a leader of a team.

Want to start your career as a Business Analyst in Australia?  

Visit our website to learn more about the course structure and intake dates. Or get in touch directly with us to help you answer your questions.