

一、 项目目的


二、 项目内容

• 充实丰富的课程
• 参观澳洲名校,与各国学生互动交流
• 探索并感受澳洲文化,艺术,历史与运动
• 领略当地风景,品尝特色美食,体验土著文化

三、 项目优势
• 多元化的课程设置
• 有丰富实战经验的企业专家授课
• 市中心授课地点,现代化的教室与设施
• 名校参观及国际学生交流互动
• 舒适旅游,工作人员全程陪护,学员出行无忧

四、 费用说明

五、 报名时间


六、 活动行程

  • 第一天 重庆启程
  • 第二天 抵达墨尔本国际机场,入住学生公寓, 欢迎典礼及项目导航 参观澳大利亚排名第一的墨尔本大学, 包括实验室,图书馆,教室等并与留学生交流互动;参观弗林德斯火车站,联邦广场与雅拉河
  • 第三天 课程:澳大利亚政治体制及文化背景 参观墨尔本博物馆,维多利亚国际画廊,墨尔本市政厅,金融博物馆,教堂等
  • 第四天 课程:澳大利亚教育体系的演变及发展 参观皇家墨尔本理工大学并与师生交流互动;游览皇家植物园
  • 第五天 课程:澳洲特色的美食与饮品 参观维多利亚综合市场,运用上午学习的词汇与卖家进行对话。品尝当地美食如袋鼠肉,鳄鱼肉等
  • 第六天 观看澳网比赛, 了解澳洲运动特色,感受当地人对运动的热情 在奥博特公园参加高尔夫课程。初学者可以在一个有趣,轻松的环境中学习高尔夫
  • 第七天 欣赏墨尔本涂鸦街景与街头艺术表演 游览墨尔本动物园,与袋鼠,考拉等澳洲特色动物亲密互动
  • 第八天 了解澳洲土著文化,观看土著表演,品尝土著食品
  • 第九天 参观墨尔本著名酒庄,了解体验酿酒的过程,品尝澳洲各类美酒,同时欣赏酒庄美景
  • 第十天 返回中国


七、 参观大学

墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)


墨尔本皇家理工大学(RMIT University)

皇家墨尔本理工大学是澳大利亚历史最悠久的领军高等教育学府之一,并因其毕业生就业率位居全澳榜首而闻名遐迩。RMIT为学生提供创新性教育与国际认可的资格证明,同时与工业界保持着密切联系。皇家墨尔本理工大学不断地根据业界的需求定制、优化课程设置。其课程的高度实用性吸引了大量的学生,因为这种学习模式使RMIT的学生有大量的机会在实践中学习,并且能很快适应各种工作环境,毕业时成为优秀的职业人。RMIT建筑学院在2014年名列全球十大建筑学院, 另外其商学院的商科和管理课程在澳大利亚和东南亚都处于领先地位

八、 报名及咨询



联系老师:吕老师 彭老师

报名地址:重庆工程学院国际处 行政楼410


电话:(+61 3)9041 3050

联系老师:Leslie Gao


国际青年商业精英计划 – 重庆工程学院


一、 项目目的

二、 培训内容

三、 项目亮点
• 国际商业投资及运作的模拟实践
• 有丰富实战操作经验的企业专家全程辅导
• 打造具有可行性的商业计划书
• 商业计划成果演示比赛、专家反馈及丰厚奖品
• 名校参观及国际学生交流互动
• 品尝各国美食,体验澳洲多元文化
• 住宿墨尔本市中心,免费电车区,交通便利
• 专业行前指导,全程无忧

四、 专家介绍
乔恩·克里斯托弗·伯吉斯是企业战略管理的国际领袖。2002年,他创建了Kwan 管理咨询公司(http://www.kwan.com.au),为许多跨国知名企业提供管理咨询服务与培训。他开创的‘战略管理思维’理念闻名全球,被企业与业界人士广泛认可及应用。

五、 费用说明

六、 报名要求及时间

七、 活动行程

  • 第一天 重庆启程 抵达墨尔本国际机场,入住学生公寓
  • 第二天 开幕欢迎典礼及项目导航, 马拉西亚餐, 校园及市区参观,州立图书馆、联邦广场、佛林得斯火车站、皇家植物园等
  • 第三天 商业课程-市场分析(一), 泰国餐, 分小组进行当地市场调研,发掘具有市场潜力的产品或项目,当地企业参观
  • 第四天 商业课程-可行性分析(二), 日本餐, 墨尔本博物馆、维多利亚艺术馆
  • 第五天 商业课程-团队技能及经验分析(三), 韩国餐, 与澳洲名牌大学师生交流互动
  • 第六天 商业课程-开发策划(四), 澳大利亚汉堡, 菲利普岛、巧克力工厂、观看小企鹅归巢
  • 第七天 商业课程-财务预算与时间表(五),意大利面/披萨, Werribee开放动物园,公园与城堡
  • 第八天 演讲及专家反馈,结业典礼 亚拉河边烧烤BBQ,与当地国际学生交流互动
  • 第九天 墨尔本一日游(巴拉瑞特金矿或十二门徒)
  • 第十天 返程
  • 出发时间:一月中旬



    八、 参观大学
    • 墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)

    • 墨尔本皇家理工大学(RMIT University)
    皇家墨尔本理工大学是澳大利亚历史最悠久的领军高等教育学府之一,并因其毕业生就业率位居全澳榜首而闻名遐迩。RMIT为学生提供创新性教育与国际认可的资格证明,同时与工业界保持着密切联系。皇家墨尔本理工大学不断地根据业界的需求定制、优化课程设置。其课程的高度实用性吸引了大量的学生,因为这种学习模式使RMIT的学生有大量的机会在实践中学习,并且能很快适应各种工作环境,毕业时成为优秀的职业人。RMIT建筑学院在2014年名列全球十大建筑学院, 另外其商学院的商科和管理课程在澳大利亚和东南亚都处于领先地位。

    九、 报名及咨询



    联系老师:吕老师 彭老师

    报名地址:重庆工程学院国际处 行政楼410


    电话:(+61 3)9041 3050

    联系老师:Leslie Gao


广东财经大学华商学院十周年 – 国际青年商业精英计划


一、 项目目的

二、 培训内容

三、 项目亮点
• 国际商业投资及运作的模拟实践
• 有丰富实战操作经验的企业专家全程辅导
• 打造具有可行性的商业计划书
• 商业计划成果演示比赛、专家反馈及丰厚奖品
• 名校参观及国际学生交流互动
• 感受多元文化及品尝世界各地正宗美食
• 墨尔本市中心公寓,免费电车区,近各大商场及唐人街
• 行前指导,全心呵护

四、 专家介绍
乔恩·克里斯托弗·伯吉斯是企业战略管理的国际领袖。2002年,他创建了Kwan 管理咨询公司(http://www.kwan.com.au),为许多跨国知名企业提供管理咨询服务与培训。他开创的‘战略管理思维’理念闻名全球,被企业与业界人士广泛认可及应用。

五、 费用说明

六、 报名时间及选拔程序

七、 活动行程

  • 第一天 香港启程 抵达墨尔本国际机场,入住学生公寓
  • 第二天 开幕欢迎典礼及项目导航, 马拉西亚餐, 校园及市区参观,州立图书馆,联邦广场,佛林得斯火车站,皇家植物园等
  • 第三天 商业课程-市场分析,泰国餐, 分小组进行当地市场调研,发掘具有市场潜力的产品或项目
  • 第四天 商业课程-可行性分析, 日本餐, 商业计划书撰写的指导及小组讨论
  • 第五天 商业课程-团队技能及经验分析, 韩国餐, 商业计划书撰写的指导及小组讨论
  • 第六天 商业课程-开发策划, 澳大利亚汉堡, 与名牌大学师生交流与互动
  • 第七天 商业课程-财务预算与时间表, 意大利面/披萨, 商业计划预演
  • 第八天 演讲及专家反馈,结业典礼, 亚拉河边烧烤BBQ,与当地国际学生交流互动
  • 第九天 墨尔本一日游(巴拉瑞特金矿或十二门徒)
  • 第十天 返程



八、 参观大学
• 墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)

• 墨尔本皇家理工大学(RMIT University)
皇家墨尔本理工大学是澳大利亚历史最悠久的领军高等教育学府之一,并因其毕业生就业率位居全澳榜首而闻名遐迩。RMIT为学生提供创新性教育与国际认可的资格证明,同时与工业界保持着密切联系。皇家墨尔本理工大学不断地根据业界的需求定制、优化课程设置。其课程的高度实用性吸引了大量的学生,因为这种学习模式使RMIT的学生有大量的机会在实践中学习,并且能很快适应各种工作环境,毕业时成为优秀的职业人。RMIT建筑学院在2014年名列全球十大建筑学院, 另外其商学院的商科和管理课程在澳大利亚和东南亚都处于领先地位。

九、 报名及咨询

• 学院学生处
• 学院国际交流与合作处 020-82665836 熊老师
• 各院系办公室(具体咨询各院系)
• 关注微信号:华商合作交流中心,华商学院微博协会

• 电话:(+61 3)9041 3050
• 联系老师:Leslie Gao
• 微信:18801121277

Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering – Australian Study Tour

Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering
Australian Study Tour

(I) Program Objectives

In order to create opportunities for youth to experience international education and to understand western culture and the political systems, GBCA has designed an innovative study tour to Melbourne, voted 5 consecutive year as the world’s most liveable city. In this 10-day of international experience, students have the opportunity to enhance their English language skills while experiencing the beauty and culture of Melbourne. The study tour program provides students with a unique opportunity to enrich their mindset in a globalised context and provides a foundation to become successful global citizens.

(II) Program Features

• Wide array of specialised lessons
• Tours to reputable school and student exchange
• Immerse in Australia’s culture and learn about arts, history and sports
• Experience local culture, local delicacies and indigenous culture

(III) The GBCA Study Tour Advantage

• Diversified program conducted by experienced lecturers
• New state-of-art learning centre situated in Melbourne Central
• Excursion to reputable universities and immerse in cultural and language exchange with international students
• Explore Melbourne’s local attractions and discover the true charm of the world’s most liveable city
• Dedicated support services – our designated professional staff will accompany and provide support to the students throughout their stay

(IV) Fees

RMB 30,000 yuan. Fees inclusive of program fee and materials, accommodation, return ticket, local transportation and insurance. The fees do not include visa fee, dining and personal expenses. Accommodation: modern apartments located in the heart of Melbourne.

(V) Registration Period

This program is open to all students of Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering. Registration period begins on September 7 2015 and will close on 30 November 2015.

(VI) Study Tour Program

  • Day 1 Departure – Chong Qing
  • Day 2 Arrival at Melbourne International Airport. Airport reception and coach transfer to Melbourne student apartments. Welcome ceremony and program orientation. Tour to Melbourne University, Australia’s Number 1 university – view its facilities such as laboratories, library and classrooms and have local international student exchange. City Tour – Flinders Street Train, Federation square, Yarra River
  • Day 3 Lesson: Background of Australia’s political systems and culture Melbourne museum, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Town Hall, St Patrick’s Cathedral
  • Day 4 Lesson: Australian education system, changes and development. Tour to RMIT and have local international student exchange. Visit and enjoy a stroll in Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
  • Day 5 Lesson: Australia’s unique dining and entertainment. Visit Queen Victoria Market and enjoy a conversation with local vendors. Sample local delicacies such as Kangaroo meet and crocodile meat
  • Day 6 Watch Australian Open and feel the local passion for the sports Golf lesson at a park where beginners can acquire skill and knowledge in a relaxed environment
  • Day 7 Admire Melbourne’s graffiti street alley, street arts and performance Tour Melbourne zoo and experience close encounter with kangaroos, koalas and other Australian wildlife
  • Day 8 Explore Australia’s Aboriginal culture – watch indigenous ceremonial performance and sample their food
  • Day 9 Tour to Melbourne’s famous wineries – witness the refinery process and have a unique tasting experience in the beautiful wineries
  • Day 10 Home sweet home

Note: the above schedule is for reference only. Actual schedule may be slightly adjusted accordingly to the arrangements with the university and schools.

(VII) University Tour

The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne, established in 1853, is Australia’s second oldest university and is a member of the Group of Eight and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities. It is one of the Asia-Pacific International Trade Education and Research Alliance member universities.

Being an academic hub in the Southern Hemisphere, the University of Melbourne is consistently ranked among the leading universities in the world. It is ranked 1st in Australia in Academic Ranking of World Universities (2015) and 33rd in Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2014-2015). Since its establishment, it has nurtured six Nobel Laureates which has well proven its academic performance.

RMIT University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is one of Australia’s oldest university which is renowned for its graduate employability. RMIT is ranked 32nd worldwide in QS World University Rankings (2014) among universities less than 50 years old. It is among top 15 universities in Australia and is ranked as a 5-Star University in QS Stars international evaluation system.

RMIT provides innovative and industry-relevant curriculum to its students and its qualifications are internationally recognized. It constantly redesigns its curriculum in accordance to the industry needs to prepare the students with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Its practical in application learning model has attracted many students who can apply their knowledge into practice and quickly adapt to different work environments.

(VIII) Registration and General Enquiries

China office:
• Office Phone:023-62846426
• Contact person:Teacher Lu/ Teacher Peng
• Office: Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering’s International Affairs, Admin Building 410

Australia office:
• Contact person:Leslie
• Wechat:18801121277
• Email:gl.gbca.au@gmail.com
• Phone: (+61) 0466 268 122 or (+613) 9041 3050

International Youth Business Talent Project Chongqing

International Youth Business Talent Project
Australian Business Training Program

(I) Program Objectives

Australian Business Training Program provides our talented undergraduates with an opportunity to attend a program exchange in Australia and seeks to cultivate their globalisation mindset and instill a sense of entrepreneurship. Our college designed the holistic ‘International Youth Business Talent Project” program where undergraduates learn skills to develop and present business plans and to recognize the challenges and opportunities globally. Through sharing by business expert, they will gain valuable insight in developing strategic plans and how to build collaborative relationships.

(II) Training Program

During this Business training program, participants will develop skills in identifying business opportunities, drafting and presenting business plans, developing creativity and building leadership skills. It seeks to equip them with skills to build a strong foundation in international business.

(III) Program Highlights
• Practical application on global business investment model
• Guidance and coaching by experienced business experts
• Create feasible business plans
• Business plan presentation, expert feedback and prizes
• Reputable University tours and immerse in international student exchange
• Visit local attractions, taste local delicacies and immerse in Australian culture and way of life
• Accommodation – apartments situated in Melbourne Central, within free tram zone and shopping district
• Dedicated care and guidance by our experienced staff throughout the program

(IV) Expert Profile
Jon Burgess, the Founder and Director of Kwan Management Consultancy, is an international business leader in business strategy and management. He founded Kwan Management Consultancy (http://www.kwan.com.au) in 2002 which has provided valuable guidance for international corporations. His development of The Three Minds™ philosophy has helped many to connect and collaborate with their people.

(V) Fees
RMB 30,000 yuan. Fees inclusive of course fee and materials, accommodation, return ticket, local transportation and insurance. The fees do not include visa fee, dining and personal expenses.

(VI) Registration Period
Registration is open to all students of Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering. Registration period commences on 7 September 2015 and will close on 30 November 2015.

(VII) Program Schedule
Departure – Mid January 2016

  • Day 1 Departure – Chong Qing. Arrival at Melbourne International Airport and check in at Melbourne apartments
  • Day 2 Opening ceremony and Program briefing, Malaysian cuisine, School and city tour, State library, Federation square, Flinders Street Train Station, Royal Botanic Gardens
  • Day 3 Business Lesson 1 – Market analysis, Thai cuisine, Small group local market research, exploration of product or market potential
  • Day 4 Business Lesson 2 – Feasibility study, Japanese cuisine, Melbourne Museum, Victorian Art Gallery
  • Day 5 Business Lesson 3 – Assessment of team capabilities, Korean cuisine, Exchange with University of Melbourne and RMIT lecturers and students
  • Day 6 Business Lesson 4 – Development plan, Australian burger, Phillip Island – Visit Chocolate Factory & watch Penguin Parade, a magnificent return of fairy penguins to their burrows along the beach in Phillip Island.
  • Day 7 Business Lesson 5 – Financial budget and timeline, Italian pasta or pizza, Werribee Open Range Zoo, Werribee Park , mansion and Victoria State Rose Garden
  • Day 8 Expert Lecture and evaluation, Australian BBQ along Yarra River, local international student exchange
  • Day 9 Melbourne Day trip (Tour to Sovereign Hill or the Twelve Apostles)
  • Day 10 Home Sweet Home

Remark: Speaker award winners will receive certificates and prizes from GBCA
Note:Actual schedule may be slightly adjusted accordingly

(VIII) University Tours
• The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne, established in 1853, is Australia’s second oldest university and is a member of the Group of Eight and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities. It is one of the Asia-Pacific International Trade Education and Research Alliance member universities.

Being an academic hub in the Southern Hemisphere, the University of Melbourne is consistently ranked among the leading universities in the world. It is ranked 1st in Australia in Academic Ranking of World Universities (2015) and 33rd in Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2014-2015). Since its establishment, it has nurtured six Nobel Laureates which has well proven its academic performance.

• RMIT University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is one of Australia’s oldest university which is renowned for its graduate employability. RMIT is ranked 32nd worldwide in QS World University Rankings (2014) among universities less than 50 years old. It is among top 15 universities in Australia and is ranked as a 5-Star University in QS Stars international evaluation system.

RMIT provides innovative and industry-relevant curriculum to its students and its qualifications are internationally recognized. It constantly redesigns its curriculum in accordance to the industry needs to prepare the students with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Its practical in application learning model has attracted many students who can apply their knowledge into practice and quickly adapt to different work environments.

(IX) Registration and General Enquiries

China office:
• Office Phone:023-62846426
• Contact person:Teacher Lu/ Teacher Peng
• Office: Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering’s International Affairs, Admin Building 410

Australia office:
• Contact person:Leslie
• Wechat:18801121277
• Email:gl.gbca.au@gmail.com
• Phone: (+61) 0466 268 122 or (+613) 9041 3050

Global Youth Business Talent Program Huashang

Global Youth Business Talent Program
(Special Offer Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Huashang College of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics)

(I) Program Objectives

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Huashang College of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics our College has designed a holistic ‘Global Youth Business Talent Program” to reward our talented undergraduates. This program provides undergraduates with an opportunity to attend a program exchange in Australia and seeks to cultivate their globalisation mindset and instill a sense of entrepreneurship. The participants will learn skills to develop and present business plans and to recognize the challenges and opportunities globally. Through sharing by business experts, they will gain a valuable insight into developing strategic plans and how to build collaborative relationships.

(II) Program Training

During this Business training program, participants will develop skills in identifying business opportunities, drafting and presenting business plans, developing creativity and building leadership skills. It seeks to equip them with skills to build a strong foundation in international business.

(III) Expert Profile

Jon Burgess, the Founder and Director of Kwan Management Consultancy, is an international business leader in business strategy and management. He founded Kwan Management Consultancy (http://www.kwan.com.au) in 2002 which has provided valuable guidance for international corporations. His development of The Three Minds™ philosophy has helped many to connect and collaborate with their people.

(IV) Program Highlights

• Students who successfully complete this program will receive 1 credit for General Education elective subject
• Practical application of global business investment model
• Guidance and coaching by experienced business experts
• Create feasible business plans
• Business plan presentation, expert feedback and prizes
• Reputable University tours and immerse in international student exchange
• Visit local attractions, taste local delicacies and immerse in Australian culture and way of life
• Accommodation – apartments situated in Melbourne Central, within the free tram zone and shopping district
• Dedicated care and guidance by our experienced staff throughout the program

(V) Fees

Program cost: RMB 30,000 yuan per person
Free entitlement: Students who pass the final selection will receive full subsidy of RMB 30,000 yuan from the College (12 places available)
Participate at your own cost: The College will grant subsidy for half of the fee RMB 15,000 yuan per person. Students will only need to pay the rest RMB 15,000 yuan per person (30 places available).
We welcome students to participate at their own cost as the College will provide RMB 15,000 yuan subsidy.
Fees include: Course fee and materials, accommodation, return ticket, visa fees, local transportation and insurance.
Fees exclude: Personal expenses.

(VI) Registration
Registration Method: Register via “Huashang e family”
Registration period: Registration begins from 10th September 2015 and will close on 25th September 2015. (Click here for registration)

Students can apply to participate at their own expenses should meet the following requirements:
1. Obey college rules and conduct. No misbehavior or violation of the rules during the time at the College
2. In good health and no major medical conditions.
Students can apply for free entitlement should meet the following requirements:
1. Have received any one of the following rewards: National Scholarship, National Encouragement Scholarship, first award of College Outstanding Student
2. Achieved 425 or more in CET-4 at College
3. In good health and no major medical conditions.

(VII) For enquiries contact:
020-82665836 Teacher Xiong
020-82666108 Teacher Li
International Exchange and Cooperation Department,
Administrative Building 504
Alternatively contact the Student Advisor in your own campus/department

(VIII) Program Schedule

  • Day 1 Departure – Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou. Arrival at Melbourne International Airport and check into Melbourne apartments
  • Day 2 Opening ceremony and Program briefing, Malaysian cuisine, School and city tour, State library, Federation square, Flinders Street Train Station, Royal Botanic Gardens
  • Day 3 Business Lesson 1 – Market analysis, Thai cuisine, Small group local market research, exploration of product or market potential
  • Day 4 Business Lesson 2 – Feasibility study, Japanese cuisine, Guidance and instruction on business plan and group discussion
  • Day 5 Business Lesson 3 – Assessment of team capabilities, Korean cuisine, Guidance and instruction on business plan and group discussion
  • Day 6 Business Lesson 4 – Development plan, Australian burger, Exchange with University of Melbourne and RMIT lecturers and students. Explore Australian coffee culture
  • Day 7 Business Lesson 5 – Financial budget and timeline, Italian pasta or pizza, Mock business plan presentation
  • Day 8 Expert Lecture and evaluation Australian BBQ along Yarra River, local international student exchange
  • Day 9 Melbourne Day trip (Tour to Sovereign Hill or the Twelve Apostles)
  • Day 10 Home Sweet Home

Remark: Speaker award winners will receive certificates and prizes from GBCA
Note:Actual schedule may be slightly adjusted accordingly

(IX) University Tours
• The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne, established in 1853, is Australia’s second oldest university and is a member of the Group of Eight and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities. It is one of the Asia-Pacific International Trade Education and Research Alliance member universities.

Being an academic hub in the Southern Hemisphere, the University of Melbourne is consistently ranked among the leading universities in the world. It is ranked 1st in Australia in Academic Ranking of World Universities (2015) and 33rd in Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2014-2015). Since its establishment, it has nurtured six Nobel Laureates which has well proven its academic performance.

• RMIT University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) is one of Australia’s oldest university which is renowned for its graduate employability. It is among top 15 universities in Australia and is ranked as a 5-Star University in QS Stars international evaluation system.

RMIT provides innovative and industry-relevant curriculum to its students and its qualifications are internationally recognized. It constantly redesigns its curriculum in accordance to the industry needs to prepare the students with up-to-date skills and knowledge. Its practical in application learning model has attracted many students who can apply their knowledge into practice and quickly adapt to different work environments.

(X) Registration and General Enquiries
Students who are interested please submit the application form via “Huashang e family” before 25th September.

For inquiry contact:

China office:
• International Exchange and Cooperation Department, Administrative Building 504
• 020-82665836 Teacher Xiong / 020-82666108 Teacher Li
• Office in each department (for details contact the Student Advisor in your own department)
• Follow: Huashang e family, Huashang Youth League Weibo, Huashang exchange and cooperation center wechat.

Australia office:
• Contact person:Leslie Gao
• Wechat:18801121277
• Email:gl.gbca.au@gmail.com
• Phone: (+61) 0466 268 122 or (+613) 9041 3050

FNS40215 Certificate IV in Accounting & Bookkeeping

This course is part of the Financial Services Training Package and satisfies the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) guidelines. This qualification reflects the job roles of contract bookkeepers and employees performing bookkeeping tasks for organizations in a range of industries.
This may include:
• Establishing and maintaining accounting systems
• Assisting with Business Activity Statements (BAS)
• Assisting with office taxes and payrolls
• Developing management systems for organisations

Under certain conditions, successful students may meet requirements for registration with the Tax Practitioners Board.
This qualification is suitable for candidates currently working in bookkeeping roles who are seeking a formal qualification to enhance and confirm their existing knowledge and skills.

Course duration: Delivery will occur over a 20 week period with 20 hours scheduled classes per week. To allow for school holidays and breaks this will occur over a period of 22 weeks.
• Student contact hours = 20 hrs per week x 20 weeks = 400 hours
• Self-study average of 20 hours per weeks by 20 weeks = 400 hours
• Study break = 2 weeks

Schedule: This will be achieved by scheduling classes for 3 days per week over 20 weeks, (2 days for 8 hours each, 1 day for 4 hours). Time outside the scheduled classroom delivery time may be used for self-study and extra tuition, if required.
The other days of the week may be used for private study time and extra tuition, if required.
Examples are indicated below:
• Term 1 : 10 Weeks
Study Break: 2 Weeks
• Term 2 : 10 Weeks
Total of 22 weeks
This course may be delivered in a different schedule but will always maintain 400 hours of student contact and 400 hours of self-study.
If students enrol in one course, it will be 22 weeks and if students enrol for two course, it will be 44 weeks.

Entry requirements:

• All students must be 18 years of age or older

• Minimum of IELTS 5.5 (for International students only)

• All students are required to complete Pre-training review at the application stage

• All students are required to meet the requirements of previous accounting qualification (Cert I or II or III in Financial Services or equivalent); or minimum of Year 12 or equivalent Academic Statement (certified) with a pass grade in accounting unit; or minimum of 6 months industry working experience with accounting duties in a registered company

• All students are required to complete the LLN Test prior to course commencement (on the orientation day)

• Students will need to be able to attend classes at the campus and for home study and assignments should have access to a computer and the internet. Students will be made aware of the specific skills that underpin the outcomes and performance requirements of the course units to ensure students are capable of demonstrating ability prior to entering the course.

• This course has been designed to be delivered through classroom based delivery and students must have the ability to attend the scheduled sessions as per the timetable. Students are to be informed of the timetable on enrolment and must maintain the required student contact hours.

Qualifications and Recognition
On successful completion of this course, you will be awarded by GBCA with the nationally recognised FNS40215 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping.
Potential career opportunities
• Bookkeeper
• BAS agent
• Accounts payable/receivable
• Payroll officer
• Stock control officer
• Accounts supervisor
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who utilise, well-developed skills and knowledge in a variety of business environments, and possess the ability to prepare financial statements, operate computerised accounting systems etc. This course also includes competencies stipulated by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) for registered BAS agents, other conditions apply including a designated period of experience. Persons seeking BAS agent registration should check current registration requirements with the TPB as this is regularly reviewed.

Tuition fee:
• Course fee: $5,500
• An initial payment of $1,000.00 is required at the enrolment and further payments over 5 months is $900.00 per month. A specific schedule of payments will be arranged at enrolment.

Non-tuition fee:
• Material fee: $200
• Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable, at least 5 days prior to intake)

GBCA will not collect more than $1500 before the commencement of the course.
There will be a cooling period of 5 working days.

FNS30315 Certificate III in Accounts Administration

This course is part of the Financial Services Training Package and satisfies the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) guidelines. This qualification reflects the job roles of employees with functions that could include:
• Filing, checking and processing financial data entry and processing accounts payable/receivable
• Providing customer service in financial transactions
• Assisting in processing payroll
• Front line cashiering and bank account maintenance
• Assisting with entering transaction data to ledgers and maintaining a general ledger
• Processing purchases and sales including EFT/e-business

This qualification provides the entry level skills and knowledge of:
• Accrual accounting in both manual and computerised systems
• Preparing basic financial reports
• Communication
• Customer service skills

Course duration: Delivery will occur over a 20 week period with 20 hours scheduled classes per week. To allow for school holidays and breaks this will occur over a period of 22 weeks.
• Student contact hours = 20 hrs per week x 20 weeks = 400 hours
• Self-study average of 20 hours per weeks by 20 weeks = 400 hours
• Study break = 2 weeks

Schedule: This will be achieved by scheduling classes for 3 days per week over 20 weeks, (2 days for 8 hours each, 1 day for 4 hours). Time outside the scheduled classroom delivery time may be used for self-study and extra tuition, if required.
The other days of the week may be used for private study time and extra tuition, if required.
Examples are indicated below:
• Term 1 : 10 Weeks
Study Break: 2 Weeks
• Term 2 : 10 Weeks
Total of 22 weeks
This course may be delivered in a different schedule but will always maintain 400 hours of student contact and 400 hours of self-study.
If students enrol in one course, it will be 22 weeks and if students enrol for two course, it will be 44 weeks.

Entry requirements:

• All students must be 18 years of age or older

• Minimum of IELTS 5.5 (for International students only)

• All students are required to complete Pre-training review at the application stage

• All students are required to meet the requirements of previous accounting qualification (Cert I or II or III in Financial Services or equivalent); or minimum of Year 12 or equivalent Academic Statement (certified) with a pass grade in accounting unit; or minimum of 6 months industry working experience with accounting duties in a registered company

• All students are required to complete the LLN Test prior to course commencement (on the orientation day)

• Students will need to be able to attend classes at the campus and for home study and assignments should have access to a computer and the internet. Students will be made aware of the specific skills that underpin the outcomes and performance requirements of the course units to ensure students are capable of demonstrating ability prior to entering the course.

• This course has been designed to be delivered through classroom based delivery and students must have the ability to attend the scheduled sessions as per the timetable. Students are to be informed of the timetable on enrolment and must maintain the required student contact hours.

Qualifications and Recognition:

On successful completion of this course, you will be awarded by GBCA with the nationally recognised FNS30315 Certificate III in Accounts Administration.
Potential career opportunities
• Accounts Clerk
• Accounts Receivable Clerk
• Accounts Payable Clerk
• Payroll Clerk
• Customer Service in the financial services industry
• Cashier
Upon completion of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding in areas of theory, practical expertise and be sufficiently prepare for the workforce. This qualification provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to complete a range of tasks including, complex spreadsheets, payroll work, BAS (Business Activity Statement) services and more. In addition, students will be acquainted with the operation of business technologies, the MYOB computerised accounting system, as well as fundamental office procedures and customer service skills.

Tuition fee:
• Course fee: $3,500
• An initial payment of $1,000.00 is required at the enrolment and further payments over 5 months is $500.00 per month. A specific schedule of payments will be arranged at enrolment.

Non-tuition fee:
• Material fee: $200
• Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable)

GBCA will not collect more than $1500 before the commencement of the course.
There will be a cooling period of 5 working days.

International Student Awards

This Award will be presented to an international student who is studying a minimum of 20 weeks of an English Language course and has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and contributed to the internationalisation of their institution and the broader Victorian community.

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