NAATI 5: Commence 27 Mar 2017: Wed, Thur and Friday
NAATI 6: Commence 22 Apr 2017: three evenings (Mon, Tue, Wed 17.30-21.30) and Saturday (9am-5pm)
- Study to become a qualified interpreter today: Enrol in PSP50916 Diploma of Interpreting LOTE-English (CRICOS 091761E)
- 20 training weeks + 3 weeks for reassessment, catch up class and holidays
- Schedule: 20 contact hours per week
- Delivery mode: Face to face training
- Campus location and delivery site: Level 1&2, 337-339 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000 VIC
During the program, our experienced and NAATI qualified trainers will step by step guide you through various interpreting exercises and help you to develop:
- Notes taking skills for interpreting purposes
- Short term memory retention skills
- Make sense of the briefing and quickly set up your mindset in the dialogue context
- Pick up idioms/collocations and relay in the other language correctly in a blink of eye.
- Build a comprehensive knowledge of Australian community services, and collocations/glossary in both English and Mandarin.
- And many more skills…
Industry accreditation
- Students who successfully complete the PSP50916 – Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English) and pass the assessment upon which recommendations to the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI) for accreditation are based, will be eligible to gain Paraprofessional Interpreter accreditation.
NAATI accreditation can be used to claim Credentialled Community Language (CCL) points for migration proposes.