On Thursday 20 May GBCA proudly launched the Melbourne Qualifier for the 16th “Chunhui Cup” Global Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, aka “Chunhui” Cup.
The Chunhui Cup has been running for 15 years since 2006, and now it has become one of the most prestigious and sought after student innovation and entrepreneurship competitions in China, with qualifiers in over 30 countries. It aims to support young people during their overseas tertiary studies to develop capacity for entrepreneurship and innovation and provide them with opportunities to connect to the wider Chinese product and capital markets. Formed in 2018, the Melbourne Qualifier assists participants to be better prepared for the grand finals in China and helps them build local connections, boosts the domestic ecosystem in Victoria, and helps build productive professional and business links between Victoria and China. It is truly exciting to see our young students and scholars from all universities in Victoria and Tasmania, across all disciplines, working together to develop their entrepreneurial thinking and skills, land gaining valuable experiences in a real world event that offers competitive challenge and opportunities for their future career.
Three distinguished speakers delivered inspiring speeches at the Launch Ceremony of the Melbourne Qualifier. The event was launched by His Excellency Mr LONG Zhou, Chinese Consul General in Melbourne, who tremendously encouraged and motivated students to actively participate in the Melbourne Qualifier to realise their entrepreneurial dreams.
Ms Fiona Letos, Director of International Education, Global Victoria, highlighted that “developing international students entrepreneurial skills is very important to boost their career readiness, which is part of the Victorian governments commitment to international students”.
Prof. John Dewar, Vice-chancellor and President of La Trobe University, shared his insightful view that “supporting innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities for our students is a mission that has only become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic to stimulate economic activity, create jobs, and help communities to recover from the pandemic.”
Though virtual, the launch ceremony was also attended by representatives from the Victorian Government Jason Fitts, Manager – Asia Global Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Representatives from the Victorian Universities:
- Professor Qing-Long Han, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Quality) and Distinguished Professor at Swinburne University of Technology
- Professor Wei Shen, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Relations) at Deakin University
- Professor Adrian Little, Head of School of Social and Political Sciences at University of Melbourne
- Professor Jason Giri, Dean, International at Federation University Australia
Not-for-profit organisation:
Mr Clive Dwyer, Director of Engagement, Committee for Melbourne
All distinguished members of the judging and mentoring panel:
- Professor Jiti Gao, Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, Donald Cochrane Chair of Business and Economics, Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at Monash University
- Professor Mark Wang, Professor in the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies at The University of Melbourne
- Emeritus Professor Yanchun Zhang, Emeritus Professor of Applied Informatics at Victoria University, Editor-In-Chief of World Wide Web journal (Springer) and Health Information Science and Systems (Springer) , Chairman of the International Web Information Systems Engineering Society (WISE Society)
- Professor Hong-Jian Zhu, Head of Cancer Signalling Research Laboratory in Department of Surgery, The University of Melbourne
- Alan Ling, Partner Business Services & International Business, McLean Delmo Bentleys Victoria
- Ms Audrey Zheng, State Manager, Bank of China Melbourne Branch
- Mr Truman Zhang, Country Manager, Dahua Technology Australia
- Mr Yuansheng Pan, General Manager, China Southern Airlines (Melbourne Office)
- Mr Wayne Mo, CEO, AL Capital; Non-Executive Director, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation; Non-Executive Director, McGrath Real Estate
As well as representatives from the incubators, venture capital companies, students and scholars associations.
Two of last year’s winners gave fantastic testimonials. Miss Yu Fu said: “My team’s business case on modernising a traditional tea business benefited from the great support, advice and mentoring we received. The idea is now a reality with a vibrant company established and invested.” In addition, many participants said that taking parting in the Melbourne Qualifier had been a fruitful journey for them.
We encourage all interested students with a great idea and the commitment to get out of their comfort zone to develop it, to enter (it is free). The winning teams from Victoria and Tasmania will have the chance to go to the global competition finals in China in December. Entries close on 4th July 2021.
More information at: https://gbca.edu.au/chunhui-cup-2021/