Federal Budget 2024: Positive News for Aged Care Workers

an aged care worker with an elderly woman

In the recently unveiled Federal Budget 2024-2025, the Australian government has taken measures to address the ongoing needs of the aged care sector. With a focus on improving the quality of elderly care and ensuring welfare for care workers, positive implements have been introduced to sustain and support the aged care system in Australia. Here’s what you need to know as an aged care worker! 

an aged care worker with an elderly woman

Wage increases for aged care workers 

A budget of $11.3 billion has been assigned to support a 15 per cent wage increase for care workers over four years from 2023-24. This is projected to benefit over 250,000 aged care workers with low pay. 

Investment into fostering a skillful workforce 

To encourage and facilitate the skills development of the sector’s workforce, the Government is investing $87.2 million in supporting, attracting, and retaining aged care workers. This investment goes into maintaining programs that provide specialised training for elderly care nurses and promote aged care as an appealing career path. 

Furthermore, $2.54 billion is invested in vocational and other education, indicating significant support and opportunities for individuals training in healthcare. The increased budget for vocational education in the upcoming period is especially beneficial for expanding the aged care workforce. With a projected shortage of 440,000 aged care workers in Australia by 2050, there is a pressing need for improved training and working conditions for these healthcare individuals.  

Improvements to the aged care system 

As a response to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the government is investing $2.2 billion into aged care reforms. This commitment aims to enhance care quality for the elderly while meeting the training and work rights of aged care staff. 

In summary, the Budget 2024-2025 allocates a considerable proportion into improving the training and working conditions of aged care workers. With increased opportunities to receive professional training and career advantages, it is a good call for individuals to break into the aged care industry. If you have attained a certificate III – the most common level requirement within the industry, you can earn a base rate of $32.21 hourly.  

At Global Business College of Australia, we offer the pathway to a rewarding career in personal care through the Certificate III in Individual Support. The course delivers comprehensive knowledge about aged care while preparing students to be job-ready through practical assessments and work placement. To embark on a fulfilling journey into the aged care sector, enquire today.  

The Job of a Bookkeeper: A Comprehensive Overview 

A bookkeeper plays an important role in managing a business’s financial transactions, such as income, expenses, and liabilities. Hence, bookkeepers are in high demand across all industries. In this blog, we are going to explore the daily tasks of a bookkeeper, salary expectations, and requirements to become one. 

The day-to-day tasks of a bookkeeper  

While the work of a bookkeeper varies depending on the needs of the business, they are commonly expected to handle the following main tasks (according to the Victorian Skill Gateway): 

  • Keeping financial records, and maintaining and balancing accounts using manual and computerised systems 
  • Monitoring cash flow and lines of credit 
  • Producing financial statements, budget and expenditure reports and analyses along with account books, ledgers and accounting software packages 
  • Preparing invoices, purchase orders and bank deposits 
  • Reconciling accounts against monthly bank statements 
  • Verifying recorded transactions and reporting issues to management 

Salary expectations and working arrangement 

The average annual salary for bookkeepers in Australia ranges from $65,000 to $80,000 per year, or $30-40 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $65,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $90,000 per annual. According to the Australian government’s Labour Market Insights, 75% of workers earn more than $1031 per week, and 25% of workers earn more than $1412 per week. 

Bookkeeping can be done on a part-time or full-time basis, making this a flexible career option for those who have family or study commitments outside of work. Furthermore, the rise of cloud-based accounting software allows even more locational flexibility for bookkeepers, as they can work from anywhere. With such a significant perk, only 33% of employed bookkeepers are working full-time hours. 

Skill requirements 

As bookkeepers are required to deal with long lists of financial transactions and assist the cash flow of a business, being accurate and responsible are critical attributes. Here are other skill requirements crucial for the job. 

  • Fundamental accounting and business knowledge 
  • Understanding accounting best practices 
  • Being detail-oriented 
  • Strong analytical thinking skills 
  • Technical proficiency in accounting software, such as MYOB, Xero and Quickbooks etc. 
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel 
  • Professionalism and organisation skills 

How to become a bookkeeper 

Bookkeepers are in high demand in Australia, particularly in small and medium-sized businesses. With the increasing focus on financial management and record keeping, bookkeepers are an essential part of any organisation. To become a bookkeeper, you should enrol in Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping.  

The Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping course reflects the job roles of contract bookkeepers and employees executing bookkeeping tasks for different organisations.  

GBCA offers a Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping program that covers essential practical skills such as processing financial transactions and extracting interim reports, administering subsidiary accounts and ledgers, and establishing and maintaining payroll systems. Through the course, you acquire the knowledge and skills to manage a variety of situations in financial transactions and become an essential part in business operation.  

If you are interested in starting your career as a bookkeeping professional, enrol in Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping today or reach out to us via enquiries@gbca.edu.au for any further questions. 


Recommended reads 

Unlock Your Potential with a Bookkeeper Course at GBCA | GBCA  

Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping: A Course Overview | GBCA 


Recent Changes on Australian Migration Strategy and Student Visas Requirements

Australian Immigration, Student Visa

With three Australian universities ranking in the top 20 of QS World Universities Rankings (2023), Australia has become a desirable study destination for students from various countries. In March 2024, the Australian government released its much-anticipated Migration Strategy, which outlines a new vision for Australia’s migration system that aims to strengthen the integrity and quality of international students as well as international education. This article highlights recent important updates from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) including the Student visa and Temporary Graduate visa requirements.  

At a glance 
  • The DHA has issued a package of integrity measures to increase the standards for international students and education providers. 
  • International students and graduates should expect higher English language requirements. 
Introduction to Genuine Student Requirement (GS) 

Effective from 23rd March 2024, the Australian Government is replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement for Student visa applications. This shift aims to identify students genuinely seeking quality education in Australia, independent of any migration intentions. 

As outlined by the DHA, under the GS requirement, prospective students will respond to targeted questions instead of a traditional 300-word statement in the visa application form. These questions will delve into the applicant’s circumstances, course choice rationale, and the benefits envisaged from their education in Australia. Furthermore, the revised Student visa declaration emphasises understanding of visa conditions, compliance commitment, and awareness of limited post-study migration pathways. 

A $19m investment was placed in the Home Affairs student visa unit, indicating the DHA’s determination in raising the scrutiny for high-risk student visas and identifying genuine students. 

For more information regarding the Genuine Student Requirement, visit the DHA’s website here. 

English Language Proficiency Updates 

Aligned with the Migration Strategy released on 11th December 2023, the Australian Government is elevating English language proficiency standards for Student and Temporary Graduate visas. Effective from 23rd March 2024, minimum test scores for various English proficiency requirements are increasing.  

As the minimum IELTS score requirement for Student visa applicants rises from 5.5 to 6.0, the mandatory IELTS score for students who wish to undertake a packaged English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) from a minimum of 4.5 to 5.0 (or equivalent).  

The minimum requirement for Temporary Graduate visa applicants rises from 6.0 to 6.5 with a minimum score of 5.5 for each test component (reading, writing, listening, speaking); nevertheless, passport holders from Hong Kong and British National Overseas (BNO) enjoy leniency with slightly lower language requirements. The Temporary Graduate visa also faced a reduction in the validity window of English language tests from three years to one year.  

Visit here for more information regarding the upcoming English requirement changes. 

Other Changes and Further Updates 

Alongside changes related to English language requirements, the new conditions of Temporary Graduate visa also include a lower age limit for applicants, shorter post-study stay duration, and a clearer pathway for migration. These changes take place in order to ensure that graduates help meet skills shortages and do not become ‘permanently temporary’. 

As these changes roll out, the Department of Home Affairs pledges to communicate further information through various channels, including their website, social media platforms, and outreach activities. Education providers and prospective applicants can stay informed and prepared for these impending alterations.  

Stay tuned for more updates from us to ensure a seamless educational journey in Australia. 


Recommended reads

What I can learn from the Diploma of Interpreting and Advanced Diploma of Interpreting

A Comprehensive Guide to Certificate III in Individual Support

Victoria’s Government-Funded Courses Your Gateway to Success

skills first

Are you thinking of enrolling to upskill to stay relevant in today’s job market? The Victorian Government is providing funding for TAFE/ Vocation courses in several programs you can choose from. Continue reading this article to learn more about the government-funded courses and skill first program of both state and federal governments.   

What is Victorian government skill’s first funding program? 

According to the State of Victoria, skills first is a set of reforms for the training and TAFE sector. The reforms ensure that Victoria’s training and TAFE system delivers high-quality training that leads learners to real jobs.  It ensures quality training and learning experience for real-world practice. It will also increase the chances of job placement after the students get their diplomas and certificates.  

The following growth industries are prioritised in the government-funded course under the skill first program: 

  • Medical technology and pharmaceuticals 
  • New energy technology 
  • Food and fibre 
  • Transport 
  • Defence and construction technology 
  • International education and professional services 


What are the courses that are subsidised under the skill first program? 

The courses that get subsidised are those that have been identified as high in demand in the job market today. This is because the government wants to meet skills shortages or prepare for an increase in jobs in Victoria. A skilled workforce is a factor in the economy of any country, so both state and federal governments are working hard to fund training for everyone. Good news and an opportunity you can get. 

The following are the courses: 

While many of the subsidies cover the full among of the course, not all of them are completely free as a lot of these courses are only partially subsidised. As a potential recipient of a subsidy by the Victorian Government, you should be aware of the other costs that are not covered by the subsidies. Some of the other costs you might incur include the following: 

  • Textbooks and other learning materials 
  • Administration fees 
  • Uniforms for workshop classes, as necessary 
  • Placement fees, if any. 

Courses covered by the Skills First Funding program of the Victorian Government being offered in the Global Business College of Australia (GBCA) are, but are not limited to: 

How to check if you are eligible for government funding under the skill first program? 

To check your eligibility for the different programs click here

How to start your journey toward government funding in the skill-first program of your choice? 

Start your journey today to be relevant and upskill to learn more about GBCA’s course offerings covered by the Victorian Government’s Skills First Funding program, please click here to find out more. We are looking forward to helping you upskill! 


[1] https://www.courses.com.au/government-funding 

[2] https://www.skills.vic.gov.au/s/how-to-enrol 

[3] https://www.education.vic.gov.au/training/providers/funding/Pages/fundedcourses.aspx 

[4] https://www.training.com.au/fh/government-funded-courses-in-victoria/ 

International students can get COVID vaccine for free

GBCA Coronavirus update in Australia

COVID-19 vaccinations are free for everyone in Australia, including international students  – 24/06/2021

The Australian Government is committed to ensuring everyone in Australia will have access to the vaccination when it’s their turn – this includes international students who are studying in Australia.
COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status.
Vaccination providers cannot charge students for the COVID-19 vaccine or your appointments to receive the vaccine. If students don’t have a Medicare card, or are not eligible for Medicare, they can get a free vaccination at:

  • a Commonwealth Vaccination Clinic
  • state or territory vaccination clinic.

The vaccine is voluntary, and everyone is encouraged to get a vaccine to help protect the community from COVID-19.

Find out when your students can have their COVID-19 vaccination 
Use the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker to find out when and where they can receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
If students need more information, they should call the COVID-19 vaccine helpline on 1800 020 080 or for translating and interpreting services call 13 14 50.

Getting proof of COVID-19 vaccination without a Medicare card
Students that don’t have a Medicare card, or are not eligible for Medicare can get proof that have had their COVID-19 vaccination by:

Information to assist international students
To assist you in communicating this information to students, a number of translated resources are available on the Department of Health website.

Information on COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine

Information on COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine

Preparing for COVID-19 vaccination

After your Pfizer vaccine

After your AstraZeneca vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines: common questions

16th Chunhui Cup Launch Ceremony 2021

Chunhui Cup 21
On Thursday 20 May GBCA proudly launched the Melbourne Qualifier for the 16th “Chunhui Cup” Global Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, aka “Chunhui” Cup.
The Chunhui Cup has been running for 15 years since 2006, and now it has become one of the most prestigious and sought after student innovation and entrepreneurship competitions in China, with qualifiers in over 30 countries. It aims to support young people during their overseas tertiary studies to develop capacity for entrepreneurship and innovation and provide them with opportunities to connect to the wider Chinese product and capital markets. Formed in 2018, the Melbourne Qualifier assists participants to be better prepared for the grand finals in China and helps them build local connections, boosts the domestic ecosystem in Victoria, and helps build productive professional and business links between Victoria and China. It is truly exciting to see our young students and scholars from all universities in Victoria and Tasmania, across all disciplines, working together to develop their entrepreneurial thinking and skills, land gaining valuable experiences in a real world event that offers competitive challenge and opportunities for their future career.
Three distinguished speakers delivered inspiring speeches at the Launch Ceremony of the Melbourne Qualifier. The event was launched by His Excellency Mr LONG Zhou, Chinese Consul General in Melbourne, who tremendously encouraged and motivated students to actively participate in the Melbourne Qualifier to realise their entrepreneurial dreams.
Ms Fiona Letos, Director of International Education, Global Victoria, highlighted that “developing international students entrepreneurial skills is very important to boost their career readiness, which is part of the Victorian governments commitment to international students”. 
Prof. John Dewar, Vice-chancellor and President of La Trobe University, shared his insightful view that “supporting innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities for our students is a mission that has only become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic to stimulate economic activity, create jobs, and help communities to recover from the pandemic.”

Though virtual, the launch ceremony was also attended by representatives from the Victorian Government Jason Fitts, Manager – Asia Global Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions

Representatives from the Victorian Universities:

Not-for-profit organisation:
Mr Clive Dwyer, Director of Engagement, Committee for Melbourne

All distinguished members of the judging and mentoring panel:

As well as representatives from the incubators, venture capital companies, students and scholars associations.

Two of last year’s winners gave fantastic testimonials. Miss Yu Fu said: “My team’s business case on modernising a traditional tea business benefited from the great support, advice and mentoring we received. The idea is now a reality with a vibrant company established and invested.” In addition, many participants said that taking parting in the Melbourne Qualifier had been a fruitful journey for them.
We encourage all interested students with a great idea and the commitment to get out of their comfort zone to develop it, to enter (it is free). The winning teams from Victoria and Tasmania will have the chance to go to the global competition finals in China in December. Entries close on 4th July 2021.
Chunhui Cup 21 Launch Ceremony

UC-GBCA orientation

Our UC-GBCA orientation is designed to introduce our new students to the central Melbourne city campus surroundings, resources, policies and the tools they need to successfully transition into their new learning environment. At UC-GBCA, we bring all sorts of information to the students and seek new ways to engage incoming students to encourage familiarity with the college and help to enter students learn about the culture and expectations of UC-GBCA.

Career tip: Resume Mistakes To Avoid 5

The message of the final instalment of our Resume series might come as a surprise to many of you: Don’t include incorrect contact information in your application!

Consider this: You’ve taken the time and effort to review our resume and cover letter. In may ways, you should be the top contender for the job! So why haven’t you heard from the employer? You look at your emails and check the sent folder, only to discover that you’ve included an incorrect email address.

If you’re lucky and the employer is still interested to meet with you, they might decide to contact you and give you an opportunity to rectify this mistake. However, a small mistake like this can spell doom for your application, especially if the other top contenders provided correct and well-formatted information.

Another potential issue that you should consider is the name of your email address. Your email address is part of your professional identity. A suggestive, flirtatious or funny email address might be entertaining amongst friends, but it could cause potential employers to dismiss your application out of principle. Consider creating a separate email account for job applications. Try following these guidelines when making a professional email account:

  • Make it easy to remember.
  • Have the address include your first and last names.
  • Do not share the account with friends or family.
  • Avoid using numbers or other symbols.
  • Register it on your LinkedIn profile, which should be treated differently to your other social media accounts.
  • Ensure that you include the correct spelling of your email address on both your resume and cover letter.

This article was written and edited by Arthur Chan and Matthew Leach. 
中文版,由Arthur,Cissy和Nebula编写和编辑 (WeChat or browser compatible, coming soon)

The GBCA team would like to wish all current students and alumni best of luck when seeking employment. It is not easy and sometimes, with the best efforts one may still not be selected for an interview – don’t give up or overthink, we are living in an era where there are just too many options available, if you had tried your best, you should not have any regrets and keep on trying.

Best wishes


Career tip: Resume Mistakes To Avoid 4

It’s common to apply for a number of different positions at the same time. Many people doing so will likely resolve to make a one-size-fits-all resume. While a generalised resume isn’t necessarily a bad thing and can often be quite useful, it might not be as highly regarded as applications that are customised specifically for the advertised position.

If you’ve already made a general resume, try comparing it with the selection criteria listed on a job advertisement. Remove any points that may be irrelevant and try rephrasing existing points that best demonstrate your skills that are relevant to the criteria listed. It may take an additional thirty minutes, but it’ll help you stand out amongst the crowd of applicants.

Remember, even if the position titles of two job vacancies are the same, the relevant selection criteria on each advertisement could be completely different, so your applications should not be identical if you intend to apply for both positions.

This article was written and edited by Arthur Chan and Matthew Leach
中文版,由Arthur,Cissy和Nebula编写和编辑 (WeChat or browser compatible, coming soon)


Career tip: Resume Mistakes To Avoid 3

Do you have strong graphic design skills? People entering the work force might feel the need to polish their resume up with some impressive visuals in order to balance out a short resume. Unfortunately, this will only make potential employers more likely to dismiss these applications.

We discussed this matter with some of our community collaborators and found that many of them prefer a clean, clearly formatted document with font no larger than size 14 with a maximum of four pages. An elaborate visual design, while potentially enjoyable to look at, can come across as unprofessional.

While professions that relate to graphic design might benefit from a resume with wonderful visuals, recruiters would still be expected to want to see the history of an applicant’s career before moving on to examining their visual portfolio.

If you’re struggling to include information in your resume, why not try including a short paragraph that outlines your skills? Try including information about the places that you’ve volunteered; if there’s any point of relevancy to the job that you’re offering, write a short paragraph and describe how the volunteering experience may be beneficial to the job that you’re applying for. If you covered your experience, skills and education in a one-page resume, use your cover letter to explain how they might be compatible with the job that you’re applying for.

Good luck!

This article was written and edited by Arthur Chan and Matthew Leach.
中文版,由Arthur,Cissy和Nebula编写和编辑 (WeChat or browser compatible, coming soon)